2011年1月11日 星期二




侯淑姿,台大哲學系畢業,美國Rochester Institute of Technology影像藝術碩士,現任國立高雄大學傳統工藝與創意設計學系專任助理教授,曾任台北市文化局研究員、輔大與台藝大講師,作品曾於台灣、日本、香港、中國大陸、美國、英國、義大利、維也納展出。侯淑姿是知名的中生代影像藝術家,作品探討自我、性別認同、身份認同、第三世界的女性勞工等議題,深具社會批判性。此次的展覽將以亞洲新娘為題,深入探索這些新移民的處境,正視其自我意識與身份認同。


《猜猜你是誰》(1998) 是以古都台南地區的族群為議題,透過口述訪談掌握台灣多元族群的生命價值,用影像切入在地的歷史脈動,並討論身份認同在政權更迭下的一種多重弔詭與內在衝突的現象。2000年發表於橫濱美術館的影像作品《Japan-Eye-Love-You》,旨在批評與嘲諷日本情色文化泛濫,亦是針對情色與欲望在兩性關係中的另一個面向的觀察。《快樂是什麼》(2002)為設置在台北市一所國中之內的公共藝術作品,透過與建成國中師生的藝術教學、深度對話,勾勒一個都市學校的快樂形貌,透過影像、語言、出版品與互動性,創造了一個貫常學習之外的自在情境。


2009年7月 「望向彼方─亞洲新娘之歌III」,台北藝術大學關渡美術館,台北
2008年7月 「越界與認同─亞洲新娘之歌II」,台南縣立文化中心
2008年5月 「越界與認同─亞洲新娘之歌II」,高苑科技大學藝文中心,高雄
2005年10月 「越界與流移─亞洲新娘之歌I」,清華大學藝文中心,新竹
2000年9月 “Take a picture, it lasts longer”, 日本橫濱港邊畫廊
2000年9月 “Japan-Eye-Love-You”,日本橫濱美術館畫廊
1998年10月 「窺」,日本 Za Moca 基金會畫廊
1997年4月 「窺」,台北帝門藝術教育基金會
1996年9月 「窺」,美國紐約市同步空間畫廊(Syncronicity Space)
1995年3月 「不只是為了女人」,高雄鹽埕阿普畫廊
1995年2月 「不只是為了女人」,台北伊通公園畫廊
1993年4月  “Not Only For Women”個展,亞爾佛瑞德大學學生藝廊
1992年4月  “The Labyrinthine Path”, MFA畢業個展,美國羅徹斯特理工學院攝影藝廊

2009 「有影嘸! 2009台灣攝影BAZAAR」,信義公民會館,台北
2009 「她的第一次個展─台灣當代女藝術家的回顧與前瞻」,中正紀念堂藝廊,台北
2008 「芝麻開門 驚奇多多」,新思惟人文空間,高雄
2008 「小甜心─伊通公園二十週年慶」,伊通公園畫廊,台北
2007 Inart 開幕首展,Inart畫廊,台南
2007 「半島藝術季」,枋寮F3藝術村,屏東
2006 「遼闊的漣漪與合音─位移、重組、連結」,駁二藝術特區,高雄
2006 “Work, Labor”,Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast, 英國
2006 “Work-Slavery, Equal and Less Equal”,Museum on the Seam,耶路撒冷,以色列
2006 “Work, Labor”,Lewis GLucksman Gallery, Cork, 愛爾蘭
2006 「台灣當代藝術特展─巨視、微觀、多重鏡反」,國立台灣美館,台中
2005 “Work, Labor”,Galerie im Taxispalais, Innabruck,奧地利
2004 「平凡子民」九十年代至今華人觀念攝影展,中央圖書館,香港
2004 「正言時代」,康乃爾大學強生美術館,美國
2002 「幻影天堂─台灣當代攝影新潮流」,大趨勢藝術空間,台北
2002 「夢02」(dream02),英國紅樓軒基金會,倫敦
2000 「心靈再現─台灣女性當代藝術展」,高雄市立美術館,高雄
2000 「粉樂町」,香港藝術中心,香港
2000 「近距觀照─台灣藝術家聯展」,Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design,加拿大
2000 “How to Use Women’s Body”,Ota fine art gallery,東京
2000 「複數元的視野」,國立歷史博物館,台北
1999 「黑‧圓‧性感」攝影展,SOGO敦南館,台北
1999 「複數元的視野」,中國北京美術館,北京
1999 「從觀看到解讀─台灣當代影像藝術展」,郭木生文教基金會美術中心,台北
1998 「1998台灣省美術季」,台南社教館,台南
1998 「意象與美學─女性藝術展」,台北市立美術館,台北
1997 「盆邊主人--自在自為」,台北縣新莊市文化藝術中心,台北縣
1996 「邊際」四人展(Perimeter 4),紐約市456畫廊
1995 「台北攝影節第一屆年度創作獎」優選展,台北攝影藝廊
1994 「漫無目的」聯展,台北伊通公園畫廊
1991  "SPAS Show",美國羅徹斯特理工學院攝影藝廊(Photo Gallery, RIT)
1989 「分階曝光系統聯展」 (Zone System Group Show),台北視丘藝廊
1985 「台大攝影社聯展」,台北社教館
1985 「文學院素描」雙人聯展,台灣大學學生活動中心

2009 國家文化藝術基金會美術類第一期補助
2008 亞洲文化協會攝影類獎助
2000 國家文化藝術基金會美術類第二期補助
1998 國家文化藝術基金會美術類第四期補助
1995 台北攝影節年度最佳攝影獎優勝

1998 東京 Za Moca 基金會藝術家工作室
1995 紐約市布魯克林區大地藝術家工作室(Earth Art Residence)

2009 高雄市立美術館典藏,窺(花)五件、窺(香蕉)五件
2003 國立台灣美術館典藏,猜猜你是誰(五件)
1998 台北市立美術館典藏,青春編織曲

2008 台北市立長安國小新建活動中心暨附建地下停車場工程公共藝術《光影萬花筒》
2002 台北市立建成國民中學新建工程公共藝術作品《快樂是什麼》

Lulu Shur-tzy Hou graduated from the Department of Philosophy at National Taiwan University and has an Imaging Arts Master of Fine Art from the Rochester Institute of Technology. Hou is currently working as assistant professor at the Department of Traditional Crafts and Creative Design at National University of Kaoshiung. Her work has been exhibited in Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, China, the U.S, the U.K, Italy and Vienna. Hou is a highly regarded image artist. Her works explore issues related to gender identification, self-identification, and third-world female laborers; thus her works voice and reflect social-economic issues of modern Taiwan. This exhibition at the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts focuses on Asian foreign brides in Taiwan, in which Mrs. Hou explores the lives of these female immigrants, their self-consciousness and struggle with identity.

Hou’s representative works include “Take a picture, it lasts longer” series in 1996 which probes the male’s sensual indulgence in peeping female bodies. The work is composed of eight series of self-directed, self-performed as well as self-photographed photographs. The series came from a cynical view how males downgraded females’ physical being with their lustful peeping; at the same time, the art works attempt to reflect the struggle between the deeper part of oneself versus the norms set by the society. “Labors and Labels” (1997) is a series of visual artwork which depicts the lives of women who worked in the textile industry in a satellite city of Taipei. Textile industry, one of the major industries in the past, had created job opportunities for women. However, behind the success of this industry lies the prime time of the workers’ lives. She attempts to present the images of female textile workers laid behind the miracle of Taiwan economy, and concerns about how the developed countries’ foreign trades exploited the third-world female workers.

The work “Guess who you are” (1998) focuses on the theme of identity of different ethnic groups in Tainan area. Through interviews and photographs, the value of life of various ethnic groups in Taiwan and their viewpoints were shown to the public. The series also attempted to reflect the multiple facets and inner conflicts regarding identity that resulted from political instability. In 2000 he work “Japan-Eye-Love-You” (2000) was exhibited in Yokohama Museum of Fine Arts. The art work criticized and mocked the prevailing Japanese pornographic culture, providing an alternative viewpoint on eroticism in male-female relationship. “What is happiness” (2002) is a series of public art work installed in a junior-high school in Taipei. Mrs. Hou first gave a few courses on art to the students to build a base, then she engaged in-depth conversations with the students and teachers. Mrs. Hou captured the happy moment of a city school through the use of images, language, publication and interaction, creating a content and relaxed atmosphere within the schooling environment.

For the past few years, Mrs. Hou has expanded her interests from feminist movement to concerns on social classes, ethnic, community and other social-political issues in Taiwan. The works shown at this exhibition in the Kaoshiung Museum of Fine Arts is a sequel to her broad interests in social themes.

Solo Exhibitions
2010 “Look toward the other side─Song of Asian Foreign Brides”, Kaoshiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaoshiung, Taiwan
2009 “Look toward the other side─Song of Asian Foreign Brides III”, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 “Border-crossing/Cultural-Identities─Song of Asian Foreign Brides II”, Tainan County Cultural Center, Tainan, Taiwan
2008 “Border-crossing/Cultural-Identities─Song of Asian Foreign Brides II”, Kao Yuan Art Center, Kao Yuan University, Kaoshiung, Taiwan
2005 “Border-crossing/Diaspora─Song of Asian Foreign Brides I”, National Tsing Hua University Arts Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2000 “Take a picture, it lasts longer”, Portside gallery, Yokohama, Japan
2000 “Japan-Eye-Love You”, Art Gallery of Yokohama Museum, Yokohama, Japan
1998 “Take a picture, it lasts longer”, Za Moca Foundation, Tokyo, Japan
1997 “Take a picture, it lasts longer”, Dimension Endowment of Art gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1996 “Take a picture, it lasts longer”, Synchronicity Space, NYC, USA
1995 “Not Only for Women”, Up Gallery, Kaoshiung, Taiwan
1995 “Not Only for Women”, IT Park Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1993 “Not Only for Women”, Student Gallery, Alfred University, Alfred, NY, USA
1992 “The Labyrinthine Path”, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Photo Gallery, Rochester Institute of
Technology, Rochester, NY, USA

Group Exhibition
2009 “Is It Real? 2009 Taiwan Photo Bazzar”, Sinyi Public Assembly Hall, Taipei
2009 “Her First Solo-Review and Perspective of Contemporary Women Artists in Taiwan”,
National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei
2008 “Open Seasame, What a Surprise”, Sincewell Gallery, Kaoshiung
2008 “Little Sweet Heart-20 Years Anniversary of IT Park Gallery”, IT Park Gallery, Taipei
2007 “Innart Opening Exhibition”, Innart Gallery, Tainan
2007 “Ping-Tung Peninsula Arts Festival-Fifty Miles Art Journey”, F3 Artists’ Village,
2006 “Translocation-Recombination-Connection”, The Pier 2 Art District, Kaoshiung
2006 “Macro Vision, Micro Analysis, Multiple Reflections-Contemporary Art in Taiwan since
1987”, National Taiwan Museum, Taichung
2006 “Work, Labor”,Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast, England
2006 “Work-Slavery, Equal and Less Equal”, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
2006 “Work, Labor”,Lewis GLucksman Gallery, Cork, Ireland
2005 “Work, Labor”,Galerie im Taxispalais, Innabruck, Austria
2004 “Contemporary Taiwanese Art in the Era of Contention”, Herbert F. Johnson Museum,
Cornell University
2004 “Reality Spells-Exhibition of Chinese Conceptual Photography from the ‘90, Exhibition
Gallery, Hong Kong Central Library
2002 “Dream02”, The Barge house and OXO Gallery, London
2000 “Taipei International Fotofest”, Sun-yet Sun Memorial Hall, Taipei,2000
2000 “Journey of the Spirit-Taiwanese Women Artists and Contemporary Representations”,
Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung
2000 “Very Fun Park”, Hong Kong Art Center, Hong Kong
2000 “Close-Up”, University Gallery of Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Vancouver,
2000 “Memory”, Fubon Building, Taipei
2000 “How to use women’s body, transfiguration of sex, gender, nationality”, Ota Fine Art
Gallery, Tokyo
2000 “Visions of Pluralism-Contemporary Art in Taiwan, 1988-1999”, National History
Museum, Taipei
1999 “Black, round and Erotic” photography exhibition, Sogo Department Store, Taipei
1999 “Visions of Pluralism-Contemporary Art in Taiwan, 1988-1999”, Peiking Fine Art
Museum, Peiking
1999 “Contemporary Imaging Art of Taiwan, 1990-1999”, Kuo-Mu-Sheng Foundation Art
Center, Taipei
1998 “Taiwan Art Festival”, Tainan Social Education Center, Tainan
1998 “Mind and Spirit-Women’s Art in Taiwan”, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei
1997 “Lord of the Rim”, Hsin Chuang City Culture Center, Taipei County, Taiwan
1996 “Perimeter 4”, 456 Gallery, NYC
1995 “Best from the Year Award”, Taipei Photo Gallery, Taipei
1994 “Random”, It Park Gallery, Taipei
1991 “SPAS Show”, Photo Gallery, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
1989 “Zone System Group Exhibition”, Fotosoft Gallery, Taipei
1985 “The Sketch of the Arts Faculty”, Student Activity Center, National Taiwan University, Taipei

Awards & Fellowship
2009 National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF) Fine Arts Regular Grant (first term)
2008 Asian Cultural Council Grant (photography)
2000 National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF) Fine Arts Regular Grant (second term)
1998 National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF) Fine Arts Regular Grant (fourth term)
1995 Taipei Photography Festival, Annual Best Award

Artist Residency
1998 Za Moca Foundation Artist Residency, Tokyo
1995 Earth Art Residency, Brooklyn, NYC

Public Collection
2009 “Take a picture, it lasts longer(Flower, Banana series)”, Kaoshiung Museum of Fine Arts
2003 “Guess who you are(5 pieces) ”, National Taiwan Fine Art Museum
1998 “Labors and labels(III) ”, Taipei Fine Art Museum

Public Art
2008 “Kaleidoscope of Images”, Taipei Municipal Changan Elementary School
2002 “What is Happiness”, Taipei Municipal Jan Cheng Junior High School

1 則留言:

  1. 窺(香蕉)在今日的意義似乎已經改變
